$0 Down with Affordable Payment PlansCall us 24/7 (425) 477-4177

We have effectively negotiated debts for individuals and businesses and have saved
our clients THOUSANDS.

This is the First Step Towards Your New Future

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Don’t pay a debt in full. Hire
The Majors Law Group and
allow us to negotiate a one
time low payment with your

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  • Lower PaymentsMore manageable payment plans and timelines will help you live a better less stressful life.  
  • Win-Win for both PartiesDebt settlement allows you to pay back creditors at an amount that’s lower than what you owe.
  • Assistance from a ProfessionalManaging your debt with the help of an debt settlement law firm like the Majors Law Group could be the decision that’s best for you.
We have effectively negotiated past-due judgments and saved our clients thousands

    Debt Settlement 

  • You know exactly how much money you’ll be paying and you won’t have to waste time in litigation. If the case went to court instead, there’d be uncertainty about how much money you’d have to pay and there’s no telling how long the process would take. 
  • Creditors win because they don’t have to go through the lengthy and often uncertain process of taking the case to court.

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Speak to a local Attorney on how we can effectively negotiate with your creditors and save you from paying interest and late fees!

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While you can attempt a DIY debt settlement, this won’t result in the thorough resolution that you’ll get if you work with a debt settlement attorney. An experienced attorney can do so much more than just reduce your debt through settlement. They can make sure creditors stop harassing you, explain any legal documents you may not understand, help you create a budget, and so much more. An attorney will also have superior negotiating tactics that the average person doesn’t possess to get you more favorable terms.

The downside of settlement is you have to actually have money for the payments. If you still can’t afford that right now, bankruptcy could be a better alternative. Our attorneys here know chapter 7 and 13 bankruptcy law well and can help you make this decision.

Majors, Esq.

Owner & Founding

Licensed in Arizona, California, & Washington
John Laris Esq.
John Laris Esq.

Bankruptcy Attorney

Licensed in Washington
Reynolds, Esq.

Associate Attorney

Licensed in Arizona and
Supervising Personal Injury
Johnson, Esq..

Supervising Personal Injury

Licensed in Arizona and

We can also seek removal of negative credit reporting also known as a “pay for delete”.

*Results not guaranteed. The Majors Law Group is not predicting or promising the outcome of any debt negotiation.

Seeking the guidance and counsel of an experienced debt settlement attorney may be a wise step for someone who finds themselves overwhelmed with debt. If creditors are constantly calling you, or if there is a risk of a foreclosure on your home or any other circumstances that are endangering your finances, a debt settlement attorney may be able to help you.

Debt settlement is a useful tactic that may allow a person to settle their debt for less than what a bank or creditor claims they owe. People with overwhelming debt may have the option to seek out a debt settlement company; however, they often charge much more than what a debt settlement attorney would charge.

Additionally, the experienced attorneys at Majors Law Group have gone through the debt settlement process before, and have many positive relationships with banks and creditors throughout the area. Whether it is our offices in Arizona or Washington, we know how to use our positive relationships to our client’s advantage. If you are seeking a debt settlement attorney, please contact Majors Law Group for a free consultation. We would be happy to help you on your journey to a fresh start.

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Proudly Serving
Clients in Washington and Arizona

If you have a bankruptcy issue and need support, we’re here. We’ve helped hundreds of people just like you to meet their goals within bankruptcy cases.